A root canal treatment, or RCT, is used to save a severely abscessed or infected tooth from extraction. In general, this procedure is safe. However, if you are pregnant, then it’s natural for you to have some questions.

A lot of pregnant women are concerned about the possible health risks involved in getting this procedure done. Well, that’s probably because of the possible stress caused to the mother and the medications that will be given to her, since it might affect the development of the fetus. Moreover, Obstetricians suggest to avoid exposing pregnant women to those kinds of risks, regardless of whether the risk is minimal. Because of this, the safest choice is to postpone any dental treatment until after giving birth. However, there are cases wherein delaying the procedure may prove to be more harmful than good.

We understand that during pregnancy, two lives need to be taken care of: the mother and her child. However, that doesn’t mean you need to worry about every procedure that you might need and this includes RCT.

The most common concerns about RCT during pregnancy are the following:

  • X-ray tests – these will help the dentist assess the condition and orientation of the roots of their patient’s teeth. While they may harm the fetus, dental x-rays are generally safer  because the radiation would be directed into the patient’s jaw, and not the abdomen where the fetus is. This means that the baby will not be directly affected by it and is therefore safe.
  • Operation – The tension from being operated upon is another concern since as much as possible the mother should not feel any stress or tension since that may also affect the baby.
  • Medications – There are cases where the dentist would require their patients to take antibiotics after the procedure, however, these cases are rare. In addition, thanks to advanced technology, there are certain medications which are now proven safe during pregnancy.

Risks of Not Having a Root Canal Treatment (RCT) during Pregnancy

If your dentist suggests it even during pregnancy, this means you have a severe condition and postponing it would be a greater risk. Below are some of the risks involved in delaying this dental treatment:

  • Pain – There will be unbearable toothache until the tooth abscess is treated. Experiencing continuous pain during pregnancy is quite stressful. It may also cause negative effects on the mother and the fetus.
  • Infection – On the other hand, if your dentist found an infection, he or she will suggest to get an RCT immediately. Remember, if left untreated, the infection could spread throughout the entire body, which could also result in a series of severe complications, not just to the mother, but also to her fetus.

In general, there are obvious risks involved. However, our dental team is fully equipped to take care of you and your child. For your ease of mind, we’ll be doing the following precautionary measures to ensure you and your child’s safety:

  • We avoid performing this treatment during the 1st trimester, unless it’s EXTREMELY necessary. We do this because during this time, the baby is most susceptible. However, if required, the root can be opened and drained.
  • RCT in the 2nd trimester is also possible IF NECESSARY. Fortunately, the procedure does not pose any risk to the unborn baby.
  • Meanwhile, having this treatment during the 3rd trimester should be carefully considered. The problem lies in whether the procedure needs to be done immediately or postponed until after delivery. The treatment should be delayed during the 7th month of pregnancy, while the operation must be delayed if the woman is already in her 8th month of pregnancy.

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Published on December 16, 2019, Updated on March 11, 2020