When the mouth is closed, persons with an open bite have front upper and lower teeth that slant outward and do not contact. This bite may make it difficult, if not impossible, to thoroughly chew certain dishes.

What Is Open Bite? | What Causes Open Bites? | Types of Openbites | What issues does Openbite cause? | Treatment for Over Bite Teeth

What is Open Bite?

An open bite is a type of malocclusion where the top and lower section does not come together when the mouth is closed. This results in the gap between the rows of it when the individual shuts his or her mouth. See more about diastema smile. An open bite might cause trouble while speaking and can alter a person’s smile.

What Causes Open Bites?

In certain instances, the cause of open bite is linked to the problem in the jawbone. Children commonly experience this malocclusion when they have a combination of primary and permanent teeth. The primary teeth won’t be able to align into position until all the primary teeth are removed; therefore, the malocclusion.

Habits may also impact this condition. Tongue thrusting may cause an open bite when you push the tongue into it while swallowing or while speaking, generating an open bite. Tongue thrusting happens throughout childhood, and most children outgrow it. If they don’t, they might have problems with their speech and bite.

Other habits that contribute to this condition include biting on foreign items, or thumb sucking. Improper usage of a baby bottle or pacifier might also contribute to this condition. It is very important to monitor orthodontic correction with aligners and correcting posterior open bite invisalign is necessary.

Types of Open Bite Malocclusion

There are several types of open bites. Here are the most common:

Anterior Open Bite

This happens when the front teeth in the lower and upper jaws don’t overlap on a full bite. It normally affects all of the front teeth but occasionally only a few of them. Treatment is frequently necessary to restore complete ripping and biting ability.

Posterior Open Bite

This type arises when the back teeth are not contacting, the opposite of the anterior type. When the patient bites down, the back teeth do not contact. Treatment is frequently necessary to restore chewing ability for the premolars and molars.

Dental Open Bite

This occurs when a tooth is not able to erupt adequately to go through the jawbone and gum.

Skeletal Open Bite

This type is frequently a hereditary problem related to the abnormal growth of the face. It leads to the uneven development of the upper and lower jawbones’ molars.

What issues does Openbite cause?

This condition can cause the following:

  • Speech difficulties
  • Damage and wear to back teeth
  • Problems biting
  • Inability to chew, particularly with posterior types
  • Lower self esteem
  • temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD)

Treatment for Open Bite Teeth

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), the treatment of the open bite may be simply repaired with an orthodontic therapy. But treating this condition is tougher than any other type of malocclusion. If the condition is related to the combination of baby and permanent teeth, it may occasionally resolve on its own. Creative Smiles may assist to understand what causes an open bite and how it might be addressed. Check out the reviews of the patient of Dr. Shah DDS.

If the malocclusion is caused by the jawbone not fitting correctly, orthognathic surgery is required. This type of surgery includes removing the piece of the upper jaw and realign the jawbones to align the teeth better.

A patient may employ orthodontic equipment to help correct an opening of the bite. If tongue thrusting is the problem, there are orthodontic appliances that inhibit the tongue from forcing its way between it. A customized headgear may also be used to assist position the jaw and correct the bite.

If the main teeth are developing on the same open bite pattern as the baby teeth, orthodontists will propose wearing bespoke braces to draw the teeth back. More about dental injury and pacifier use.

For patients with a fully grown permanent set, a combination of braces and behavior modification is generally prescribed.

Treatments for an open bite vary on the condition. Surgery is typically needed for adults, while orthodontic appliances perform effectively for children and teenagers. Your smile may reveal an overbite, also known as malocclusions. Learn about treatment of these issues.

An open bite is curable whether you’re a child, adolescent, or adult. But it is simpler if the teeth have not completely grown in.

If you are seeking a dentist who can straighten your teeth, contact us right now. Schedule an appointment now!

Published on March 22, 2022, Updated on March 24, 2022