A crossbite is prevalent in youngsters and it doesn’t normally correct itself as they get old. The misalignment may develop in the front teeth, the rear teeth, or both. The ramifications of this malocclusion might be catastrophic if it is not addressed quickly. Occlusion is the way the teeth touch as the upper and lower jaw come together.

What Causes Crossbite? | Types of Cross bites | What issues do Crossbites cause? | How to Treat Crossbite Teeth | Crossbite Vs Underbite

What Causes Crossbite?

When the upper jaw is too small, the lower jaw is trapped within the higher one, resulting in a crossbite. Crossbite. A crossbite may take various forms and all be repaired by an orthodontist. This might not only make you concerned about your grin but also make eating unpleasant. It may potentially progress to serious disorders such as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) (TMD). TMD may cause discomfort and jaw joint difficulties in the muscles that govern jaw movement. Creative Smiles will help you identify the root cause of the problem and prevent TMD.

Types of Crossbite

In dentistry, there are two forms of crossbite, anterior and posterior. Anterior crossbite occurs when the front tooth or teeth rests within the lower jaw. A posterior crossbite affects the jaw’s backside. Posterior crossbites are more prevalent as it happens in 16 percent of youngsters whereas anterior occurs in roughly 4 to 5 percent in children.

What Issues Does Crossbite Cause?

Children are more likely than adults to suffer from crossbite because of a hereditary predisposition. The father, mother, or other close relatives may have been affected, whether or not they are aware of it. Thumb sucking, extended use of a pacifier, nail biting, or delayed loss of primary teeth are all potential reasons for crossbite. Adenoids or tonsils that are too large might also be a contributing factor. Dr. Amit Shah can help to identify the cause of your crossbite and suggest what can be done about it. More about tongue thrust.


When you have a misaligned bite, you are prone to encounter dental difficulties, bruxism, health, open bite malocclusion, and psychological concerns. Misaligned biting may cause tooth decay, gum disease, and tension on the jaw muscles, all of which can contribute to persistent jaw disorders and discomfort in the neck, shoulder, and back.

In order to avoid long-term dental and bone problems, detecting and treating this issue as soon as possible is critical. Orthognathic surgery (one of several medical specialties) will be required to rectify this issue if it is not addressed before it worsens. No medicine can fix this condition.

How To Treat A Crossbite

The optimal time to address this form of malocclusion is when the patient is a child or teenager. There are various therapies for adults, however, the time it takes to correct is greater compared to younger people. ADA states that the dentist must make sure that the space for the tooth to move in crossbite is enough and that the bite may be expanded to enable the movement. This is in accordance with the ADA. Treating the problem also requires the patient to wear an orthodontics device. While a crossbite fixed with invisalign may take only three months to correct, severe cases may last for up to 18 months.

Maxillary Expander

The orthodontist installs a device placed on the palate and fastened to the upper teeth. The gadget progressively opens the upper palate by the usage of a particular key on the device. This gadget is especially helpful in youngsters when the palates are still expanding.

Removable Expander

Adults may use this tool to gradually enlarge their palates. It is generally worn every night until the desired effect is attained.

Braces Treatment

Getting braces is a lasting remedy not just for crossbite but for many sorts of bite disorders. Dental braces are used as equipment in this procedure to realign the teeth and jaw in their proper positions. After braces treatment is complete, a retainer (orthodontics) is used to keep the teeth in the right place.

Surgical Method

The surgeon will purposefully shatter the jawbones in multiple locations after the patient wears a custom-made gadget. Surgery provides for a larger extension than what the palate expanders can deliver. See Can veneers correct crossbite? to move the teeth to their desired positions.

Crossbite Vs Underbite

An underbite is a malocclusion in which the lower teeth are spaced apart from the upper teeth. Class III malocclusion, the most common kind of jaw misalignment, is the outcome.

A crossbite arises when your teeth do not line up correctly when you shut your mouth. Usually, with a crossbite, the teeth are broader and sit on the outside of your bottom teeth. See about overbiteSchedule an appointment for consultation with our doctor.


Published on March 26, 2022, Updated on March 26, 2022